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Dauntless Corsair - Your Trusted News Provider - Subscription Plans

Inexpensive, High-Quality Subscription Plans

You have come to the right place to subscribe. But we recommend reading the content below the plans, and the about us page before subscribing to Dauntless Corsair.

If you are being redirected here, do not worry; you just reached your trial count of 12 free articles/debates/polls, or you used up 7 days free trial. Please subscribe to keep using Dauntless Corsair

  • What you can do in the Democracy Plan:
  • Write Articles.
  • Create Debates.
  • Create Polls.
  • Post anything in The Airfield.
  • Post up to 6-hour long videos and articles up to 10000 words.
  • Participate in Polls and Debates.
  • Archive opinions, articles, polls, or debates for a later time.
  • Ad-free.
  • Like, Share, Dislike, and Confirm Story in Articles.
  • And never get censored!

Why trust Dauntless Corsair with getting news?

True News. Mere Minutes

Dauntless Corsair relies solely on the people for news and content, not hired journalists. We also do not allow the government to interfere with the affairs associated on this website, and we do not accept government money to fund our operations. We are strictly a business in media that relies on the people for news. In other words, we and everyone else on this website is not mainstream. All of us are mavericks in a sense, and you can be too.


Our main product that we give you is honest news from a media outlet who's primary value is integrity. And right here, right now, here is the exact process in which news are published on the Dauntless Corsair website, so that you can understand and trust us as a news source.


The news that you see on this website came from either two sources: one, being from ordinary people who subscribed to the democracy plan, or two from entrepreneurs who started their business in media on this website. Yes, all our news comes from average Joes and Jills, with some attempt to separate fact from opinion, for better understanding of the event that happened.


The process is this: when a subscriber see something of interest, such as being at a political rally, a big event in their local area, or covering when the next crypto coin will soar one billion percent, the subscriber can report that bit of news on the Dauntless Corsair website by publishing an article themselves in an easy way on the Dauntless Corsair website. You can go to the create article button at the top of the page right now to see how easy publishing an article is.


And if a subscriber wishes to publish news for a profit, they can take the big leap and start their business on Dauntless Corsair, where all their revenue comes from subscribers that subscribe to their business. The process of publishing the news for entrepreneurs is the same: they see something that is newsworthy, report it, collect their subscribers' money, and the cycle repeats.


That's seriously the entire process of how news get reported. We don't have full-time journalists working for us, we just rely on our users for the news. We do trust our users to be honest and tell the true facts of the event. It's blind faith.


All what we ask of you is to get informed through real people who publish these articles. Please enjoy the news that are published on this website! You will be a more informed person. Totally.

What does Dauntless Corsair stand for, and why?

True News. Mere Minutes

Honestly? From top priority to low priority, this is what we stand for: integrity in journalism, news presented honestly, free speech, allowing others to provide for themselves, free press, undoing censorship, and ease of usage on Dauntless Corsair's website. They are all important, but we tend to prioritize one over the other at times.


And if you are wondering why Dauntless Corsair stands firmly for these values, go visit the about us page, and read the short story of the guy who founded Dauntless Corsair. You may not believe the story, but it is true. Why would a media outlet lie when it is standing for integrity?


Why should I spend money on Dauntless Corsair?

True News. Mere Minutes

Firstly, rest assured that your financial data will not be hacked into and stolen. Dauntless Corsair uses Stripe as a secure payment processor, which is used and trusted by lots of other businesses. Also, this is not an ad for Stripe. We are just informing you that Stripe handles all payments. So everything is safe and secure. And if Dauntless Corsair does not work out for you, you can cancel your subscription, no questions asked.


Now to the point: you should spend your hard-earned money on Dauntless Corsair because your money does support families, indirectly and directly.


Everytime you pay a few bucks and cents a week, you are helping the team sustaining Dauntless Corsair keep going. You are helping our departments, from customer service to the janitors, and from The Founder to the first employees, you help them keep Dauntless Corsair going. You also help their families eat at the table, have a home to live in, and have a bed to sleep in.


And if you do wish to subscribe to some media entrepreneurs, you are helping them too, for them to sustain themselves, their families, and possibly some employees too. You are helping the entrepreneur do their thing, providing value, whilst also helping them feed their families and live in a beautiful home.


And of course, what goes around, comes around; you get quality news from quality journalism from real people in real time. And you do have the power to say what you want to say and report too.


When you spend money at Dauntless Corsair, you are the hero.


Why Dauntless Corsair over other media outlets?

True News. Mere Minutes

Just as a short disclaimer, this website is brand-new, which means that there may be bugs and errors here and there. Some services on this website are also premature, such as our customer service, so be wary of these and please be patient. If you do want some sort of customer service before our authentic customer service, you can contact The Founder at [email protected], but be patient as he can service only so many people at a time. Ok, now to the point.


Dauntless Corsair will have customer service for its customers soon.


We are the only media outlet that allows businesses in media to be created.


We are the only media outlet that allows users to directly publish news and content.


We are the only media outlet that allows users to properly organize debates and polls.


We are the only media outlet that gives its users the option to have a personalized feed, without cookies.


We are the only media outlet that, over the long run, is less expensive than other media outlets, whilst also providing the same amount of value.


We are one of the few media outlets that allows an ad-free experience.


We are one of the few media outlets that prioritize honesty over clickbait.


We are one of the few media outlets that accepts the fact that we are not perfect.


But probably the biggest difference between Dauntless Corsair and other mainstream media outlets, is that we give you a thank you, for reading this entire sort of essay.


So thank you, for reading all of this. It is now your choice to subscribe and pay $1.15 a week, or not. God bless you, and have a wonderful day.